New Instruments

When you purchase a new instrument from Reedhouse, you can trust it meets our highest standards.  Trying new instruments is overwhelming. “New” doesn’t mean optizmized. Often they are out of adjustment, leaking and have acoustic issues.  As trained and practicing performing musicians, in combination with the knowledge and ability to set up an instrument, we are able to bring instruments to their highest potential and offer clients a unique buying experience.

When we sell a new instrument, you can be sure it is a winner. No more sifting through 10 instruments to find the one. We rigorously inspect, play test, and evaluate new instruments. Once we find the good ones, we optimize them for their best performance. Our inventory can consist of models from F. Lorée, Yamaha, Howarth, Fox, and Buffet.

Contact us for a current selection of instruments. If we don’t have what you are looking for we can usually find it for you or steer you in the right direction.

Warranty for New instruments

Your new instrument from Reedhouse has been fully optimized and we want to keep it that way for you. In addition to any manufacturer warranty, we offer an additional protection plan which covers cracking for 3 years and the mechanics of your instrument for 18 months. Contact us for more details.